Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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How to choose a good registry cleaner?
our computer slows down when the only opportunity we have to speed up our computer is download a good registry cleaner .
doing an Internet search found a wide range of software cleaners Windows registry and the problem arises when we choose the most suitable to our needs. Today I will talk about my favorite and in my humble opinion the best available.
Registry Winner
Among the many software is one of the best reliability and as strong sales of this product are a guarantee for buyers, installing the software on your computer will have a full scan of your registry and removal of all errors.
Registry Winner may be downloaded for free but in this case, you can only do registry scan to find any errors without having the opportunity to remove them. It may be appropriate so that you can download it understand how it works and if completely satisfied considering the purchase. If you are looking for free software to speed up your computer Internet offers a wide choice, assuming that a Free Registry Cleaner will never have the effect of the software described in this article.
I receive daily email users who have purchased their RegistryEasy solving problems and speeding up your registry Computer; sincerely thank these letters are pleased because it means that the product is valid are very effective in his job of cleaning the registry Windows . Ovviamente delle volte,anche se raramente, ricevo lettere di disappunto di utenti che hanno acquistato RegistryEasy; la verità è che se lasciamo deteriorarsi il Computer per anni nessun software sarà in grado di riportare il PC nelle condizioni in cui si trovava quando l'abbiamo acquistato.
Bisogna agire nel momento in cui si riscontrano i primi problemi di lentezza del computer nello stesso modo in cui ci si comporta con una automobile; revisionandola spesso resterà in buone condizioni più a lungo. allo stesso modo dobbiamo comportarci con il nostro computer; mantenerlo costantemente efficiente e libero dalla "immondizia" che si accumula all'interno del Registro. Ora non vi resta che download it and check the veracity of my statements, as always, welcome to your opinion, whatever it is, on the effectiveness of RegistryEasy. We hope to resolve problems with your computer, whatever your choice.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
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I would not swear but where flights butterfly
I were I would support you
to tell for example as you live
sister can you tell me what do you believe in
What do you hope to be big dreams that do
if you get stuck against the wind or you can push more
fear that some nights you get lonely never
So lonely could not refrain
If you need affection if you need me as
if you need affection and something there ' is
... for you between joy and pain what is the difference
want children or so children do not ever think
and sex is a problem or not
seems free and happy sometimes cry a little '
is said around butterfly the soul that you have not
and how do little girl to say yes or no
not think he's crazy if I'm talking to you
is that they are only sister only too well that
I need love I need also you
I need to love and something c he is not
I need love ... I need love ...
I need love ...
Friday, June 12, 2009
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Before you learn how to Remove Spyware begin to become familiar with the term spyware and understand what is reality and how it can damage your computer and violate our privacy. The term "spy" in English means to spy on and from this we can begin to understand the function that has a spyware once it enters our computer to our total knowledge. Spyware can enter a computer through software or through the installation of a new program. Once entered into the system, its function is to collect and send personal information to advertisers or other interested persons. Remove spyware becomes essential to protect our personal information. Names, addresses, passwords, credit card numbers, etc can be stolen without our knowledge.
Spyware addition to "steal" can force the computer to do certain tasks often against the will of the owner. It sometimes happens that instead of reaching the site we clicked we are directed to a different page the against our will. Sometimes the our homepage, the first page that pops up when we enter the web is changed without our knowledge from the program that is "spying". Remove spyware is therefore a necessity to eliminate unwanted intrusions. To avoid these risks you should enter only secure sites and first to download a program to make sure that they security. However, if malevolent programs are already entered in your PC you will need a Antispyware . How do you react when the your computer suddenly crashes and what you see is only a blue screen? Certainly begin to worry about thinking that the your PC is now unusable. This is the reality of spyware programs that are constantly a threat to all of us when we surf the Internet. With literally hundreds of programs spyware and adware hidden somewhere in the web waiting to attack and seeking an opportunity to break into your computer would be wise to protect your computer the first having to remove spyware already entered into your system. Once entered into the these computer programs began to bombard you with ads while browsing. No matter how many times you try to remove them, they come back and disturb the your work. Some of them can steal the your identity, email address, bank details, etc.. When fai un acquisto online con la tua carta di credito questi tipi di spyware possono essere capaci di rubarti il tuo numero di carta e altre informazioni importanti. Improvvisamente un giorno vai a fare un prelevamento in banca e ti accorgi che non ti è rimasto niente sul tuo conto. Fortunatamente ci sono programmi disponibili online per rimuovere spyware e pulire il tuo computer. .
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Clean the Windows registry of your computer is indispensable when you have accumulated in the registry data and error over loading the system and making your computer slow and inefficient. First of all let's explain what the Windows registry and why it is necessary to clean the registry . In short, the registry is a great store in which there is a wealth of information about how Windows is configured in both hardware and software. In a new computer from the internet pages open quickly, quickly drains installed programs, and everything works properly. As time passes, however, an increasing amount of data is stored in the registry and soon we see that the operation of our PC is not as good as before. The computer slows down and does not respond quickly to our commands. So it's time to clean the registry to avoid more trouble in the future
Clean register in time to avoid worsening the operation of the PC
which could lead in some cases to make your computer unusable and making it impossible to access data and personal information. From this you can understand how important it is to clean the registry regularly with a good
Registry Cleaner . The registry cleaner called "Registry Cleaner" English is a software that once installed on your computer
cleans and repairs the Windows Registry putting our PC running like new. Registry Cleaner removes obsolete keys, dll errors, corrupted files, etc.. Clean the registry
is therefore essential to keep your computer in good condition allowing us to work quietly
smoothly and quickly.
There is much confusion about "Registry Cleaner" and the work he does when installed on our computer. Surely there are many computer owners who have no knowledge of software and its functions. Many people begin to experiment problems with computers and are not able to fix them. It would all be easier if they were aware of a registry cleaner that would solve all problems with just one click. You need not be an engineer to be able to clean the Windows registry of your computer. Using " Registry Cleaner " regularly avoid more serious problems in the future in our system. When you download programs from the Internet all the data is imagazzinati within the registry to give us easy access when you need them. The problem arises when we eliminate programs that are no longer useful or want to replace them with the latest thinking that once removed, no traces of them in Our PC. Unfortunately it is not so simple as it appears. In fact, the program is not completely uninstalled and all data fragments remain 'inside of our registry. Over time they begin to pile up useless information in the registry even though the program no longer exists on the computer. At this point, your PC starts showing the first problems in your registry, your system crashes, applications open slowly, or not open and the computer slows down considerably. Clean the registry at this point it becomes necessary to prevent a total blockade of the computer.
Remove registry errors from
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For users of PC first-hand experience with the maintenance and repair registry, scan ErrorFix provides a fully automatic ready for use. You just have to download the program and the software will analyze your registry in minutes.
Custom Scan
For anyone who wants a more direct Errorfix offers a fully interactive scanning. You can choose which you want to locate registry errors before others. In this way you can have complete control over the scan.
Control Registry cleaning
During the process of cleaning the registry Errorfix not seek in any way to go against your decisions. You may select the self-cleaning, or select only the errors you want to remove. Errorfix show all errors found during the scan but not remove them until your decision. It's up to you to decide what and how to remove.
Automatic Backup For
never put at risk the registry of the computer Errorfix creates backups automatically before each cleaning. In this way, not at any time you felt satisfied with the cleanliness of your PC, you can restore the registry in exactly the state it was before the scan.
Updates automated and manual
Our priorities is to keep your system efficient. To help with this we Errorfix equipped with automatic updates. You can choose to install them automatically or receive a warning before installing them. The choice is yours. Easy to use
Every aspect of Errorfix is \u200b\u200bdesigned for easy use and practical. Unlike other cleansing programs on the registry, Errorfix is \u200b\u200beasy to use, fast and easy. In addition to this we offer online support 24 hours 24.
Errorfix What solves problems?
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* Problems with Chkdsk
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Buy Registry Cleaner
90% of the holders of a Frequently encountered computer problems and errors due to malfunctioning of the Windows Registry.
a result of these errors on your PC slows down considerably and makes our job very difficult at the computer, download programs, music, movies, or just surfing the internet can diventare irritante per la lentezza del sistema di windows. Da cosa nascono questi problemi e come eliminarli per velocizzare il nostro PC ? Tutto nasce all'interno del Registro di Windows; ma cos'è il Registro e la sua funzione all'interno del nostro computer? In poche parole il Registro é un grande archivio all'interno del quale troviamo una serie di informazioni su come Windows è stato configurato sia a livello hardware che software. Tutti i dati relativi ai differenti programmi installati sul nostro PC vengono immagazzinati all'interno di questo sistema; è quindi molto importante mantenere il nostro "archivio" pulito ed in ordine per avere un PC veloce e funzionale. Il problema nasce quando scarichiamo o eliminiamo programmi che non ci are more useful or want to replace them with the latest thinking that once removed, no traces of them in our PC. Unfortunately it is not so simple as it appears. In fact, the program is not completely uninstalled and all data fragments remain 'inside of our registry, keys obsolete, dll errors, corrupted files, etc.. Over time they begin to pile up useless information in the registry even though the program no longer exists on the computer. At this point the PC starts showing the first problems in the registry and the system crashes, applications open slowly, or not open and the computer slows down considerably. Clean the registry at this point it becomes necessary to speed PC e prevenire un blocco totale.
Vediamo come ripulire il Registro del PC:
Il primo passo consiste nello scaricare un software in grado di rimuovere tutti gli errori presenti nel Registro di Windows;
Clicca quì ed installa il programma nel tuo computer
questo software è sicuro e garantito per cui scaricalo tranquillamente senza timori;
Al termine dell'installazione ti apparirà la seguente schermata:
Ora clicca su "scan"(scansione) ed aspetta fino a quando il software avrà terminato la scansione completa del Computer
A quel punto verranno elencati tutti gli errori riscontrati in the registry of your PC
Click "Clean Registry" to clean up the registry
Remember, programa free to remove only a few errors.
To eliminate all errors from the registry and then speed up and optimize your computer
you must purchase the program.
's up to you to decide whether it should spend around twenty-five euro to put your PC to new and avoid the risk of a total block of your PC, or go looking for free softwares but will not be able to completely clean the Windows system.
If you want to buy it, you should click on "register" and enter your e-mail, address, zip code, and make the payment card di credito.
Al termine della transazione riceverai una email con la chiave di attivazione che ti permetterà di gestire il software e ripulire tutti gli errori.
Questo software chiamato " Registry Winner è sicuramente uno dei più sicuri ed affidabili sul mercato compatibile anche con Vista e in grado di ;">velocizzare il Computer
Se per qualsiasi ragione non sarete soddisfatti del suo funzionamento avrete la facoltà di richiedere il rimborso totale purchè ciò avvenga entro sessanta giorni dall'acquisto.
Un consiglio: riparate il vostro computer ora prima che possa diventare inutilizzabile.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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following four simple rules you can speed up your computer and keep it in perfect condition, in this article I will show the available options in Windows XP and VISTA capable of maintaining and safeguarding the efficiency of the Computer your privacy when you are browsing.
1) free disk space
The Disk Cleanup tool helps you create more space by identifying files that can be removed with the option to choose which ones you want to delete:
Click on start (lower to the left of the PC), -> all programs -> accessori -- >utilità di sistema -- > pulitura disco
Al termine della scansione apparirà questa schermata
Quindi scegli i files che desideri eliminare spuntando le caselle--> conferma l'operazione di pulizia e dopo pochi minuti il processo sarà completo lasciando il Computer pulito e più veloce.
2) velocizzare l'accesso ai dati
La frammentazione del disco rallenta il funzionamento generale del sistema. Quando i files sono frammentati il computer deve cercare l'hard disk quando il file viene aperto causando un tempo di risposta significativamente maggiore. Per questa ragione è opportuno deframmentare il disco a intervalli regolari, possibilmente mensilmente, per mantenere un PC veloce.
In aggiunta è opportuno una deframmentazione ogni qualvolta aggiungete un grande numero di files, lo spazio libero sul disco è minore del 15% del totale, quando installi nuovi programmi o nuove versioni di Windows.
Come deframmentare il disco:
Start--> programmi --> accessori --> System Utilities -> Disk Defragmenter
- Choose the drivers you want to defragment and click on learn, after the disk has been analyzed in a screen which will be advised if you need defragment the analyzed drivers
- Defragmenter by clicking the Start
- When defragmentation is complete the results will be displayed
- For more details click on See Report
- close it
bottle with the two operations set forth above to further optimize your computer you can check the integrity of files on your hard drive using immaganizzati further INSTRUMENTS to detect errors in the Computer :
Close all open files
Click start -> My Computer -> with the right mouse click on Local Disk -> properties -> tools -> scan
Check the second box: look for bad sectors and attempt recovery -> start
If errors are found click on the correct
4) Protect your computer against Spyware
Friday, May 29, 2009
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Friday, May 15, 2009
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“Chagall, Kandinsky e Malevič pur con diverse prospettive pittoriche allontanano il linguaggio dell’arte dalla logica della tradizione e della borghesia, superando la visione dominante dell’impressionismo francese per dare vita alle innovazioni formali del cubofuturismo, the tensions of Suprematism and modernity rarefied abstraction. Just the centenary of futurism is interesting to focus the interest of the public on the extraordinary importance of the Russian in the early decades of the twentieth century to the turn realist imposed by Stalin in 1934. A great merit of the exhibition is the presence of Pavel Filonov, master of the art analytical, little known in Italy but of great expressive power.
exhibitions at Villa Olmo, become a fixture of the European exhibition circuit, are evidence of how culture, real engine of the future development of the country, may be one of the most effective instruments of social and economic revitalization to the crisis. "
The exhibition focuses on works that Kandinsky, Chagall, Malevich, Filonov realized in the period spanning the First World War, namely that the most fervent and productive throughout their careers, in which the momentum of revolutionary soon became disillusioned.
Among the works of major importance and charm meet the abstract paintings of Kandinsky made between 1915 and 1919, like two ovals and Overture. Purple border, both of 1919, oil on glass or two of 1918 entitled the Amazzoe Mountains el 'Amazon with lions
by Kazimir Malevich verngono presented over 20 works spanning the entire real artist born in Kiev but settled in Russia since the early twentieth century, which shows a 'Opening nei confronti della pittura europea - impressionista, postimpressionista e Nabis - come ne Il riposo. Alta società in cappello a cilindro del 1908 o Autoritratto del 1910, passando attraverso le opere cubofuturiste, dai riferimenti espliciti a Léger, alla fase suprematista culminante nel Quadrato rosso del 1915, fino alla tarda produzione neofigurativa che Malevič sviluppa negli anni del regime comunista instaurato dopo la rivoluzione del 1917. Opera chiave di questa fase è Testa di contadino del 1928-29, scelta come immagine simbolo dell’appuntamento comasco.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
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I think now the time has come to devote an article to my regular readers who follow me constantly and to whom I extend a heartfelt thanks.
Since I started my blog more and more users come on my pages in search of software to improve the performance of your computer . The certificates of estimated daily lead me to improve my site with more information to help solve the problems that we encounter on a daily malfunction PC .
In internet there are thousands of websites offering information and advice on the purchase of software for cleaning the Windows registry , despite what many people who can not find a remedy to their problems.
entering any site specializing in software we are in a difficult situation to choose among hundreds of products listed nellle pages, with many different proposals, we wonder what will be the most effective and most reliable. We begin to read the various reviews of products and at the end we feel more confused than before. We spent hours in order to find the best software without achieving anything, and sometimes sailing from site to another, we lose sight of the goal of our research.
According to this reasoning, I opened my blog with the intention not to confuse readers with thousands of products, but to focus on a few reliable software to help improve the performance of your computer quickly and functional.
I do not want to say that the software that I propose to be the best ever, the only thing I can promise you that have been tested and therefore proposed in this site, if you look on the Internet you will certainly find some good reviews on software proposed in my pages.
To end I thank those who wrote their opinions, positive or negative, on the reliability and usefulness of the products offered, your comments are useful to improve and optimize my blog.
Thanks for the support
Saturday, April 25, 2009
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Or is it just an illusion?
What we call love that warm breeze of passion? That magic that's been flying into storms of emotion.
that enhances our five senses and more obscure reason. It 's like to be a planet that is his favorite sole.Gli goes around in a dance, taken from orbit of Love ...........
Friday, April 10, 2009
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The facade is organized in a way that "reflects" the organization of interior space three aisles, and has many similarities with both the facade of the Duomo in Milan, and with that of St. Augustine always Como. The facade, clearly of the Gothic (a Gothic "Italian" that thanks to the spread throughout Europe the work of the Magistri Cumacini will gradually assimilating to the International Gothic), is vertically divided by four pilasters, decorated by a series of sculptures, divide a central and two lateral, the first presents the main entrance, a rose and two windows on either side by elongated, the sides each have a front door and a mullioned window set above. Most of the sculptures on the facade are due to be Amunzio Lurago, or his school, and are made in the Gothic style, some of these sculptures are, however, Renaissance characters properly (for example, are more detached from the wall and enjoy autonomy from the bottom while the Gothic integral to the back wall).
Above the portal there are two rounds in which two sculptures representing Adam and Eve, over five sculptures of saints are placed in a sort of loggia (organized as in an altarpiece) with the center of the Madonna at her sides S. John the Baptist and St. Hilary, on top of these sculptures is another round (also clearly Gothic) in which the sculpture of a young man, according to the conventions of the time, represents the Holy Spirit (this representation was abolished in 700 by Pope Benedict XV);
while the other scenes (also above the doors on the sides of the church) are the visit of Mary to Elizabeth, the presentation in the temple, the flight into Egypt, the two kiosks on the show, however, rose the Annunciation. Operand another type of reading you can see that the facade of the Duomo di Como ideally represent the society of which he participated, in different ways for its implementation: so monastic orders are represented by statues of saints or founders of their brethren, and similarly the various guilds had to enter their patron saint, at the bottom instead of men and women, which have been discussed above, represent the people in its entirety, along with some symbols that represent probably the most important families of the city that had obviously subsidized construction. Just as in a scene all of society Como era is ideally represented in the facade of the cathedral. About the different saints represented you may notice some peculiarities probably not random: in the pilaster on the left, towards the lake, is the S. Christopher, protector of travelers, and by side with staff and cloak, San Giacomo, a pilgrim and traveler par excellence, both facing the lake. On the other hand, we find the right pilaster of S. Francis and, nearby, other Franciscan monks, and it seems no coincidence that in that direction at the time they were some Franciscan monasteries, and the same applies to other holy founders of other religious orders, in the city, then having to fill all the "boxes" that make up the facade has been left out then this sort of symbolic provision, by including the various saints in a more random (there are also a couple of repetitions of the same saint, one of the pilasters and side a window in one case and two pilasters in the other). Instead of talking more geometric composition of the facade, you can understand why the two windows on either side of the portal are higher than the aisles: If you imagine from the canopy to draw a circle concentric to it, passing through the round in which represented the Holy Spirit, we get the summit of the central window, while another circle, concentric the previous ones, which passes through the top newsstand is the highest summit of the side windows, finally, with another circle, always concentric to the above, that steps to the top of Gugliotta, you can locate the position of the two doors' side input. Finally, the position of the canopy is not random in the facade, it is possible to note, describing the largest triangle contained within the façade, the canopy is in its center.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
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Some time ago I wrote this review on Quad Registry Cleaner believing nell'eficacia and reliability of the program, but unfortunately I recently had to change my mind about the goodness of this software.
For the sake of my readers I have decided to add a few lines to the previous post to advise not to download instead Quad to repair errors in your computer will increase requiring a complete backup of your PC. You can visit the various forums dealing with the subject and you will find software many concerns about using Quad Registry Cleaner, and I think it is a duty in accordance with the correct information to users beyond the interests of members. To clean the Windows Registry Cleaner Registry Board Winner which is practical, functional, reliable and has excellent references, before buying any program the board to read the various reviews on the Web Anyone installed programs that have proven unreliable, causing even greater problems with your computer, you may write comments on the site thus helping others to avoid such fraudulent programs. Thank you for your support.
Quad Registry Cleaner scans the computer and analyzed by identifying all the entries in the Windows Registry that slow down your PC ; corrupt files that cause errors and block the normal functioning of computers. To allow your PC to work best you need to scan the registry and cleaning of your computer.
Quad Registry Cleaner is able to automatically save all files in the registry and any necessary corrections thus giving the advantage of having a copy in case we want to make a back up our files. Use Quad Registry Cleaner regularly allows your computer to operate quickly and effortlessly without continuous system crashes, your computer will no longer have startup problems through analysis of the programs carried out by quad registry cleaner applications and the immediate removal of the corrupt.
addition to protecting the integrity of Windows you can surf the web safely with a full guarantee your privacy, without an adequate tool for cleaning Registry your computer will be full of unnecessary files and programs and at the same time damaging for your PC. Where does
Quad Registry Cleaner?
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L'interfaccia di Quad Registry Cleaner è molto semplice e intuitiva facilitando notevolmente il controllo delle sue funzioni di analizzo con la conseguente riparazione; per ulteriori informazioni è possibile consultare la sezione FAQ del sito.
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