Friday, May 29, 2009
Operations Repo Free Online
Friday, May 15, 2009
How Long Does It Take Iritis To Heal?
“Chagall, Kandinsky e Malevič pur con diverse prospettive pittoriche allontanano il linguaggio dell’arte dalla logica della tradizione e della borghesia, superando la visione dominante dell’impressionismo francese per dare vita alle innovazioni formali del cubofuturismo, the tensions of Suprematism and modernity rarefied abstraction. Just the centenary of futurism is interesting to focus the interest of the public on the extraordinary importance of the Russian in the early decades of the twentieth century to the turn realist imposed by Stalin in 1934. A great merit of the exhibition is the presence of Pavel Filonov, master of the art analytical, little known in Italy but of great expressive power.
exhibitions at Villa Olmo, become a fixture of the European exhibition circuit, are evidence of how culture, real engine of the future development of the country, may be one of the most effective instruments of social and economic revitalization to the crisis. "
The exhibition focuses on works that Kandinsky, Chagall, Malevich, Filonov realized in the period spanning the First World War, namely that the most fervent and productive throughout their careers, in which the momentum of revolutionary soon became disillusioned.
Among the works of major importance and charm meet the abstract paintings of Kandinsky made between 1915 and 1919, like two ovals and Overture. Purple border, both of 1919, oil on glass or two of 1918 entitled the Amazzoe Mountains el 'Amazon with lions
by Kazimir Malevich verngono presented over 20 works spanning the entire real artist born in Kiev but settled in Russia since the early twentieth century, which shows a 'Opening nei confronti della pittura europea - impressionista, postimpressionista e Nabis - come ne Il riposo. Alta società in cappello a cilindro del 1908 o Autoritratto del 1910, passando attraverso le opere cubofuturiste, dai riferimenti espliciti a Léger, alla fase suprematista culminante nel Quadrato rosso del 1915, fino alla tarda produzione neofigurativa che Malevič sviluppa negli anni del regime comunista instaurato dopo la rivoluzione del 1917. Opera chiave di questa fase è Testa di contadino del 1928-29, scelta come immagine simbolo dell’appuntamento comasco.