Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shingles Fluid Around Heart

Program Meetings March

UNITRE Academy of Culture - Compassion and Solidarity "
Program the month of March 2011
schedule meetings 18.00 to 19.00

Mart. 1 - Archaeology "Evolution of Greek sculpture" Rel Dr. T. Florio

Fri 4 - History "Risorgimento .- From the History Revolution the French Revolution of 1821 and 31 " Rel Dr. G. Paci

Giov.10 - History "Revolution of 1848 - The 5 Days of Milan"
Rel Dr. G. Paci

Fri 11 - Arts "Women in Art" Rel Dr. T. Garland

Mart. 15 - History "Cavour and his policy "Rel Dr. G. Paci

Fri 18 - Arts "Michelangelo Buonarroti" Rel Dr. T. Garland

Mart. 22 - Psychology metabolisers and support to pain:
; ; Physical looking for solitude "Rel.Dr. Prof. S. Cannavà

Thurs. 24 - Art Therapy Rel Dr. J, Spinelli

Mart. 29 - Psychology "To be well helped by natural resources," Prof. Dr. S. Rel Cannavà

Thurs 31 - Archaeology "Evolution of Greek sculpture" II.a lez. Rel Dr. T. Florio


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Richard Hamilton Facemask Brand

Interview with Pres Italian Blind Union Augusta - Mr. G. Bellistri

Mr. Joseph Bellistri

Interview for UNITRE Augusta
granted by Pres Pres Italian Blind Union - Representation of zonal Augusta

Brief presentation of the Association.
The Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired, was founded in Genoa October 26, 1920 by Aurelio Nicolodi, a junior officer who had lost his sight Trentino during the First World War.
E ' a national association and by 1998 he acquired the status of a non-profit organization.
The purpose of the UIC is the integration of blind people in society.
at Augusta has been present since June 3, 1995, as zonal representation el'ìattuale Board, in office since October 2, 2010, consists of: Josephine Carriglio, Sebastiano Giuseppe Patania and Bellistri, which plays the role of responsible representative .

Augustano, nato l’8 marzo 1958. Pensionato dal 2009, dopo che ho svolto per 32 anni la mansione di centralinista   telefonico presso la Marina Militare di Augusta.
Ho ricoperto dal 1986 il ruolo di consigliere provinciale UIC a Siracusa, dal 1998 vicepresidente e dal 2001   al 2005 quello di presidente della sezione UIC aretusea.
Attualmente ricopro l’incarico di consigliere provinciale incaricato dell’organizzazione di eventi culturali, sportivi e gite sociali per tutti i soci e non.

Sono organist choral San. Francis of Assisi and in November 2010 directing the choral unity of Augusta.
are part of the national commission for the promotion of social tourism for the blind.
athlete since 1978 are more sports clubs operating in Augusta, including the current Augusta No.Ve. with whom I shared the satisfaction of being Italian champion in the discipline of torball, the sport that is played with a ball of sound.
From 2006 to 2008, with the same team we won 7 coppe Sicilia e il quarto posto nella coppa dei campioni del 2009 a Zurigo
Sono volontario AVULSS, dove mi occupo di animazione per gli anziani delle case di riposo.
Dal 9 marzo 2010   sono socio onorario della sezione Unitre di augusta
Concezione della vita
Da sempre ho imparato che osare è sempre il mezzo migliore per riuscire ed è stato questo il mio motto di vivere la vita.
Noi persone,   con menomazione sensoriale, viviamo la nostra condizione   tranquillamente.
Abbiamo accettato, insieme alle nostre famiglie the challenge that life has set for us and we strive, struggle, anyway, just to make us accept.
I try to live everyday in translating the statement of the great American president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
E 'was always optimistic, the secret that has accompanied ; sports business, along with a tutti gli altri aspetti della mia vita.
Cerco di affermare e rendere concreto il valore della solidarietà attraverso la forza del donare convinto che donare è importante per dare un senso alla propria esistenza.
Lo scambio di esperienze e di solidarietà dei due mondi, quello dei vedenti e dei non vedenti, mi ha condotto   alla strada della donazione e mi ha permesso di avvertire il mio senso d el sé e la comprensione dell’altro.
S copo fondamentale della mia azione continua ad essere   quello di proporre l’abbattimento difficulties that hinder the full social integration of the blind.
I always tried to involve many more volunteers blind, visually impaired members and their families in achieving the various objectives that we wanted to achieve together.
E ' wonderful realize harmony created between the volunteer and see the blind when designing programs aimed at solving operational needs
C on these beliefs I have tried to offer my availability to facilitate the journey of those who are forced to confront daily with the difficulties that entails sensory impairment, while offering to cooperate in their families.
. addition to work at the provincial section of S iracusa interact with the zonal Augusta , where we continue to ensure that shareholders Augsburg different services. A e have been able to equip our office of three locations complete with fully computerized voice synthesizer the exclusive use of members, promoting, as well as courses for learning braille even those of the literacy and computer, which is a more effective means of communication through which a blind person is able to interact with the environment.

Our future objectives
are the ones to continue to serve for company at home, bringing us from time to time at the home of members who have more difficulty walking and spending some time with them carelessness. Support our members in p iccole the household chores, in recreational activities - cultural, in walks by becoming the eyes of our friends, volunteers, their reading for them.
Held at UIC, we will continue to organize conferences on various issues and to vadere from the daily routine, to allow comparison; organize to go to the theater, concerts, to festivals village, visit museums, to stage some plays in the Sicilian tradition, thanks all’aiuto di attori professionisti.
Oltre ai momenti ricreativi, u na grande rilevanza   continueranno   ad assumerla gli screening oculistici presso varie scuole megaresi, grazie al l a fattiva collaborazione di altre associazioni umanitarie di Augusta
Auspico che l’UIC diventi meno burocratizzata e più vicina ai non vedenti con l’incisività e determinazione dei propri dirigenti.

Mio padre, Bellistrì Francesco, vivente di anni 84;
mia   madre Bellistrì Maria, vivente   di anni 82;
mia sorella Bellistrì Carmela di anni 56.
Sposato nel 1981,   separato dal 2008.
Bellistrì Massimiliano è l’unico figlio di 28 anni, sottocapo, imbarcato presso un’ unità   della Marina Militare di Augusta.

Giuseppe Bellistrì

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Guardianship Of A Minor Idaho

Blackwater MicroTank

Blackwater River in 470 ml

Is There A Pokemon Store In Texas

Carnival Thursday Unitre 2011 Augusta

Carnival 2011
This year, as always, it's carnival, we could spend it on the sly? No!
So, at the idea of \u200b\u200bthe President and with the collaboration of a committee, has organized an evening at the premises of "The Cavalera " that normally hosts for these occasions.
The hall was decorated with streamers and colorful balloons that gave an air of celebration already and we were served a dinner of traditional dishes of the carnival, and then ... a hat can make a gold or silver magic? It seems so.
Just hats were handed out shiny and matte is playing the music and started dancing, a few have remained mere spectators, but between tangos and mazurkas was a whirl of couples including occasionally sneaks a little train. The President has not remained indifferent to this air and festive, involving a beautiful girl, was on track for a dance, something did not go unnoticed as it is rumored that, in living memory, this event has occurred very, very rarely.
When was the turn of Hully Gully limbo and, after an initial moment of coordination, all framed well we started to bounce and roll according to well-defined steps the dances of the '70s.
Among the tables, those who did not dance, but enjoyed the show, was a chatter, a meeting again after so long, a reminder of the past, like a big family.
At one point, towards the end of the evening, the sound of a milonga, Dr. Pontius with his beautiful wife have appeared in this classic and sensual Argentine tango, I say performed because was a spettacolo vederli e sono stati molto applauditi.
Ormai la festa volgeva al termine e prima di andare non poteva mancare un ultimo trenino, saluti tra tutti e arrivederci ai successivi appuntamenti.
  Certamente una bella serata e, per questo, un ringraziamento ai Soci Paci, Morello e Addia che si sono prodigati   ad allestire gli addobbi e a produrre la musica.  
                                                                                                                                             Tania Tudisco

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ridgeline After Market Rear Camera

The islets

Capienza: 470 ml
Fondo: sabbia bianca Prodac
Pietre: frammenti di porfido raccolti in montagna
Legni: nocciolo
Luce: plafo Prodac a LED, totale 5 w, con fotoperiodo di 8 ore

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dolly Parton Follando

Dr. Rosalie Purpura Photos of the meeting of February 18, 2011 The city

The city protected. Augusta devotional iconography of modern

Has Anyone Used Benefit Foundation? Good?

protected. Augusta devotional iconography of the modern age

; Meeting of February 18 2011
The lesson highlighted the reconstruction of some representative models of the city of Augusta in the modern era, through the analysis of a series of documents which represents the reproduction of urban space augustanese. Recently, in fact, taking stock of the various directions taken by historical research, it was found in the survey as historiography, there has been a growing emphasis on the spatial dimension. The space acts as an additional source of research, thought variously, who lived in the time and location. Then he gives the paintings, drawings, prints, views and photos a renewed interest, considering not only an element neutro bensì un fattore pertinente e, a volte, determinante. Tra queste immagini hanno una grande efficacia, le riproduzioni di città e di territori, iconografie che veicolano, ma al tempo stesso producono le idee di uno spazio, sia esso geografico che urbano. Ma i segni grafici non restituiscono solo l’idea di un territorio in un contesto dato, ma anche il fermo-immagine di un palinsesto dove è possibile leggere, a volte in filigrana, le stratificazioni storico-culturali.   Da questo punto di vista la città di Augusta, rappresenta un oggetto di ricerca e di riflessione stimolante e prezioso, e l’accumularsi, soprattutto in età moderna, di immagini del suo territorio, permette di leggere non solo i progressi peculiari avvenuti nel tempo, ma anche i suoi mutamenti civili e sociali. Le fonti iconografiche analizzate durante la lezione per la rappresentazione dello spazio urbano, hanno trovato ulteriori campi d’indagine, poiché hanno colto un rapporto intrinseco, tra le immagini di alcune città e l’accostamento a figure sacre, siano esse santi patroni o rappresentazioni della Vergine; un legame celebrante processi identitari che esplicitano figurativamente l’intercessione divina in difesa della città. Come riportato da citazioni, le città non si fortificavano più solamente con le mura, ma con la protezione dei santi patroni, proponendoli a volte come uniche e vere difese delle città: the saints represented the channels through which God bestowed his grace. It is shown also the source of the relationship between patron and city, and the topos of the holy warrior, has examined the link between the images of cities and the presence of some saints that "brandishing their swords," which St. George, St. James, Our Lady of Militia and Saint Dominic de Guzman, recurring images of saints little devotional literature and iconography. The holy warriors had a miraculous power, to them was entrusted the task of atavistic fears and dispel any fears of political instability, war, the attacks of the infidels. However s ithout going into the veracity of the events, it was noted the significance of the mystical and anthropological particular military significance of the legends and characters, relative to the historical situation in which they were born. The appearance of the holy warrior plays, in fact, a particular role that symbolizes the faith that promotes the victory over every obstacle and the direct manifestation of God. observing the works of art, certainly, it is referred to the image portrayed and understood the religious sentiment of filial devotion, but it is through the use work of art as a means of knowledge of the past, as a historical source, who has rebuilt the image of Augusta. The painted scenes did not express a purely illustrative but they represent the face of a society, anthropological, political, socio-cultural images of these works have presented the testimony of the city at that particular historical context . The lesson then returned an image of Augusta is not obvious, full of nuances and full of centuries-old footprints military, civil and religious el'irruzione of the contemporary landscape, the castle of Frederick II and the various fortifications, the alignments of buildings, the size of the blocks, the intersections between roads, streets and alleys faithfully reproduced, representing a photographic image of a reality that even today, despite the urban fabric is much different, you can get feedback. Iconographic documents of unique and extraordinary interest.
; ; ;   Dott.ssa Purpura Rosalia

Curriculum della Docente Dott.ssa Purpura Rosalia

               Rosalia Purpura, nata ad Augusta il 23.06.1963, è laureata alla Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Catania, in Scienze dei Beni Culturali nel 2006, e si è specializzata nel 2009 con il massimo dei voti, cum laude Improvement in the papers-book. Various certificates and training related to curriculum study. Also demonstrated on "Young and the territories" for the prevention and treatment of early school leaving; statement on "Place names of our territory" on place names, cultural and territorial identity of spies; Practitioner certificate Olympia Sports Centres. Passionate about history, art and film has completed several projects of development in these areas. After high school he worked for six years at a private elementary school is taking care of the administration of cultural activities and acting, expressing creative talent and choreography. Married has constantly followed the growth of his three children. Sensitive to social issues has done volunteer work and has been engaged in active politics of the city even as the District Council. Currently, she is a catechist for a group of children, in the parish of St. Joseph hymnography. Socio AIB (Italian Library Association) in 2008. It 'was a founding member of the Popular Augusta. PON appointed expert in one of the projects, at the Lindlar "Giovanni Pascoli" in Augusta for the annual 2009/2010.

; ;




Sunday, February 27, 2011

Watery Cervical Mucus Early Pregnancy

Interview with Dr. Salvatore Ponzio President Fratres

; Group Chairman Dr. Salvatore Ponzio Blood Donor
Fratres di Augusta

Intervista per UNITRE Augusta
Sig. Salvatore Ponzio
24 febbraio 2011

Presentazione dell’Associazione
Il Gruppo Donatori Sangue FRATRES di Augusta è un’Associazione di ispirazione cristiana che crede nell’importanza della donazione come gesto di solidarietà e generosità. Si avvale di volontari, persone impegnate, preparate, attente agli altri.
La donazione è un atto volontario, anonimo, periodico, gratuito e soprattutto responsabile. È un piccolo gesto which makes it great.
The Brethren of Augusta was established in 1984 with the purpose of broadcasting on its territory an adequate awareness to the donation of blood and blood components.
The group is apolitical, non-profit making and democratic structures and organization. It consists entirely of volunteers who lend their work for free, anonymously and responsibly in accordance with existing laws.
The main objective of the Brethren is the promotion and dissemination of the culture of donation with the ultimate goal of achieving self-sufficiency in blood transfusion. To this end, the Group is committed to:
- promote, regulate, coordinate initiatives and services for the collection of blood
- promote local health education and training as a culture of the gift at all levels of school social life;
- protect the health of donors promoting health education and prevention through proper use of medical facilities exist.
Group's history begins in Augusta Fratres along with that of the Brotherhood di Misericordia della nostra Città in armonia con le direttive delle Misericordie d’Italia le quali prevedono che, ove è possibile, accanto alle Misericordie, in un connubio di grande fraternità, umanità di amore, si formino i Gruppi Donatori di Sangue Fratres, e questo si è puntualmente e provvidenzialmente verificato anche ad Augusta.
Circa 27 anni fa il Presidente del Kiwanis Club di Augusta, un pilota del porto di origine toscana, Gianfranco Gasperini, portò avanti come iniziativa del suo anno sociale la costituzione delle due Associazioni con un atto notarile del 6 dicembre 1984. Così venivano ufficialmente costituite Misericordia e Fratres.
Il primo Presidente fu Gianfranco Gasperini, assisted by the founding members Sigg.: No John, Joseph Bulla, Cannavà Salvatore, Enrico Capuano, Domenico Cypriots, Giorgio Della Libera, Giuseppe De Vincenzi, Roberto Donati, Forestiere Puccio, M. Galante Antonia, Giannossi Ignatius, Paul Gugliuzza, Minico Aldo, Murgia Matilda, Guido Palazzo, Gaetano Salemi, Solarino Louis, Goliardo Suber, Carmelo Torre, Roberto Tringali, Zagarella Enzo.
While the beginning of the constitution the two associations had only one, against the 1996 in compliance with what is suggested by the National Confederation of Mercy of Italy, of which Augusta is a part, to streamline and rationalize the institutional commitments it was decided di costituire la Consociazione Nazionale dei Donatori di Sangue Fratres che così diventava un’entità autonoma, pur rimanendo indissolubilmente legata alla Misericordia.
La sede Fratres è dotata dell’autoemoteca, di una sala di raccolta temporanea e di una sala archivio e direzione, mentre condivide con la Misericordia un salone conferenze ed un ampio parcheggio che ospita le varie ambulanze, l’autoemoteca e i mezzi della Protezione Civile.
Il fine dei Donatori Fratres è quello di aiutare i talassemici ed i fratelli bisognosi, anche nelle emergenze e nelle calamità, senza protagonismi, senza pretendere ricompense e mantenendo l’anonimato, seguendo così il dettame Gospel "not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth."
The Brethren of Augusta has become an institution in Augusta really can not do without, but always needs more new donors to carry out the program of assistance to those in need of blood.
The number of current members is 390.
The Board is composed of Messrs..: Salvatore Ponzio, Anthony Zagami, Solarino Louis, Gianfranco Di Bono, Rosario Caruso, Salvatore Cannavà, Mastronuzzi Francesco, Salvatore Di Fazio, Father Maurizio Sierna.

Mr. Salvatore Ponzio from 2009
Age: 61 years - Degree: Doctor of Business Administration

Brief curriculum
Higher education and Tortona in Milan, higher education and working with banks in Milan. Since 1973, work commitments in banking institutions in Syracuse. Today pensioner. Member and executive member of some of the Lions Club of Augusta during the years 1992-2002. Founding member and secretary of the "Good Samaritan of Augusta - ONLUS" since 2006.

Family of Origin
- Father: Mr. Michael Pontius, died
- Mother: Iannantuoni Ms Annunziata, 89
The family
Married since 1978 with Mrs. Antonia Ponce, sons Michael and Julia.

facts and circumstances of significant personal or family life that may contribute to the growth of the human reader of the interview and / or who have marked a turning point in their lives
The tragic loss of life in the workplace my dear and beloved father, which occurred early when I was not even my third year of life, has greatly helped shape my character and deepen my sensitivity to others. The charisma, personality, affection and esteem for the father figure that I have been sent by my mother and all those who knew my father were, are and will be the foundation of my existence. Never, even for a moment over the years I've been an orphan, but the son of a father I feel spiritually close every day. During my childhood, I had the good fortune and privilege to attend the Institutes and Colleges (Don Orione and Tortona, Milan, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano) that focuses on all, irrespective of discipline, man. I have seen working with low men and women for the good of others in a concrete way and in accordance with the principles of selfless Don Orione marked by the Charity during my college career I had the privilege of listening to lectures marked by optimism and genuine respect for the human creature of Don Luigi Giussani. When I married my sweet Antonella, with which the first moment we met we found the same affinity and intent, we decided, regardless of whether or not we would have our children, to adopt immediately a of the many less fortunate children of the world. These "distant sons of all humanity" che si sono avvicendati nel tempo, pur non sapendo che adulti oggi essi siano diventati, siamo sicuri di aver alleviato il loro faticoso cammino verso la vita e continueremo per sempre a sostenere questi figli, perché un figlio è per sempre. Non ha importanza dare un volto a “chi” si aiuta, non ha importanza aspettarsi un “grazie”, l’importante è donare incessantemente, incondizionatamente e disinteressatamente, perché ogni essere merita rispetto oggi più che mai in un mondo che forse ha bisogno di ritornare alla semplicità e alla gratuità dei rapporti.

Concezione della vita
Vivere la vita cogliendone gli aspetti positivi per poter risolvere o alleviare le mille fatiche a cui essa ci sottopone. Avere sempre la consapevolezza e l’umiltà di rispettare la vita e la libertà delle persone. Avere la capacità di cogliere in ogni giorno che la vita ci regala il meglio che alberga in ognuno di noi senza lasciarci tentare dal pessimismo. Agire sempre per il bene e nel rispetto del prossimo. Educare i figli verso l’amore e il rispetto reciproco, nel senso civico e nel senso di responsabilità in quanto ogni nostra azione ha una ripercussione sulla vita degli altri e nel mondo che ci circonda.

Hobby e interessi
Motociclismo, modellismo, nuoto, lettura e studio.

What prompted me to volunteer or to the service to the city and how I live my involvement in the Association
I still remember the naturalness and spontaneity with which I and other young university students donammo blood for the first time in the square opposite the Catholic University on un'autoemoteca treated and coated with young volunteers dell'Avis: the sense of joy at having won a "body" alive, the blood, which would regenerate not only the life of the recipient but also our spirit. At that moment and in that context, we were aware that they also become true citizens, confident that our gesture was also a dovere civico. Questa prima donazione è diventata un appuntamento cadenzato e inderogabile nella mia vita che ho trasmesso al mio caro figlio Michele e alla mia dolce figlia Giulia. Aderire alla Fratres di Augusta quindi è stato per me un gesto molto naturale e oggi mi sento onorato di esserne il Presidente. Coadiuvato da tanti donatori volenterosi mi impegno nella diffusione di questo gesto nobilissimo, e in fondo semplice, che è la donazione del sangue.

Attività attuale dell’Associazione
Credere fermamente nella cultura della donazione del sangue mi ha stimolato ad impegnarmi costantemente nel perseguire i fini istituzionali dell’Associazione. Dall’inizio del mio even short term the number of blood bags collected in 2010 amounted to 531 bags an increase of 177 compared to 2008. This positive result, however, is only a stimulus to heal, stimulate and increase the culture of blood donation, because the strong demand for this precious asset is always rising.

feel and live as members the Association
Members of the Brethren are special, not because they are privileged, but because they share the noble gesture they make. I am privileged because the first major donor blood was Christ who gave His precious blood is not for one man ma per tutti gli uomini di qualsiasi razza, religione e condizione sociale. Seguire l’esempio di Cristo è oggi più che mai “rivoluzionario” perché il proprio sangue servirà a donare vita al ricco, al povero, al carcerato, al perseguitato, all’immigrato, al diseredato, insomma a tutte quelle persone che noi con la nostra piccola mente dobbiamo necessariamente catalogare. Il Donatore è un Socio speciale quando nell’espletare il suo nobile gesto sconfigge la paura psicologica o la diffidenza verso l’atto del prelievo proprio perché sa che il superamento di se stessi e dei propri limiti salverà una persona. A tutti i Donatori quindi va la mia stima e la mia riconoscenza.

How I wish it were the Association
I wish that in time the commitment of all was marked by constant and spread the culture of donation as each donor has an active part in the Association: he is the protagonist of group when it is employed to sensitize those nearby in the family, society and the world of work. His example is the fulcrum, the true power and the engine of the Blood Donor Group Fratres. My principle and slogan that I repeat it incessantly to owners: each donor must feel responsible for raising awareness and acquire at least four potential donors, because if the examination di predonazione tre non dovessero risultare idonei, il quarto andrebbe sicuramente ad incrementare il sodalizio e conseguentemente il numero delle sacche raccolte. La promozione alla cultura della donazione non è compito specifico ed esclusivo del Presidente o del Direttivo Fratres, ma di ogni singolo donatore e direi anche di ogni singolo cittadino, in quanto la donazione, oltre ad essere un gesto cristiano è anche un dovere civico nei confronti della collettività.
Un altro imprescindibile fattore di crescita dell’Associazione è senz’altro, come diceva Don Orione,   “la Divina Provvidenza”: davanti alle mille difficoltà a cui un’Associazione va incontro nel corso time, only the Divine Providence can make up for human deficiencies and / or materials.

programs in progress and future of the Association
- dell'autoemoteca and continuous adjustment of the local the minimum required by Decree 23 December 2009 N. GUR 3.
- FRATRES The President together with the Chairman of Augusta Augusta AVIS February 5 2011, at the House Conference of the New Hospital of Augusta, have been promoting for raising awareness of citizenship to create a movement of peaceful protest against the downsizing of our hospital. The brethren who fought with conviction and with great altruism to spread the culture of blood donation, you feel worried and seriously affected if the transfusion units were closed or transferred to Augsburg, because this would cause serious hardship to those donors who give no at the location, but usually at the donation center Muscatello Hospital and who would be forced to go with great inconvenience to other facilities or even worse, having to abandon the noble gesture of giving. Following this initiative, 21 February 2011, at the Palazzo San Biagio di Augusta, has formed a committee of citizens who plan and assist various events to raise public awareness on this important issue.
- Promotion and popularization of culture of blood donation in schools, in the workplace and in society.

To unitrini to which I have great memories and a great affection for the lessons of "Banking and Stock Exchange" issued all'Unitre of Augusta and the President Dr. Joseph Caramagno reach a big hug and my sincere thanks for allowing me to give this nice interview.

; ; ; Salvatore Ponzio

Audiovox Xpress Boombox

Interview with "Men significant" - Dr. Nicola Limmo

Dr. Nicola Limmo Professor of Medicine

Interview for UNITRE Augusta
Limmo Granted by Dr. Nicholas, Professor of Medicine
On February 25, 2011

Age: 73 years ;
Degree: Bachelor's degree in Medicine at the University of Florence.
Brief curriculum :
after graduation I was assigned to a City of the North for military service as Medical Officer, during the years of service military as a volunteer and then for another two years as an assistant institutionalized I attended a Division of Medicine, where I learned the first elements of clinical and instrumental diagnostic techniques (electrocardiography, spirometry, blood gas analysis, skin tests for allergies, laboratory tests). At the same time
I specialize in "Diseases of the blood, digestive system and liver."
In 1969 I returned to Augusta where I'm employed by our Hospital as Assistant Division of Medicine with responsibility, In addition, of Director of Laboratory of (thanks to my specialization in diseases of the blood) and shift workers to the emergency room physician) I have maintained these positions until 1975, when I devoted exclusively to fate and work in the Division of Medicine.
In those years I specialize in "Respiratory Diseases".
eventually a "national capacity for the primary in Internal Medicine."
remain in the Division of Medicine of our hospital until 2000 when he takes a new experience at a nursing home town for 10 years.
Family of Origin:
- Father Mr. Sebastian died
- ; Mother Ms Maria Arango died
- Sisters No. 1 ; ;
The Augusta resident in family: Married since 16.02.1974.
core family:
Spasari wife Maria Stella, Pharmacist.
's daughter Eleanor, a graduate in Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures at the University of Catania.
daughter Adriana, an employee at Banca Mediolanum, Milan.
son Sebastian, undergraduate student at the Faculty of Pharmacy .

significant facts and circumstances of personal life or family that may contribute to the growth of the human reader of the interview and / or who have marked a svolta della propria vita :
sono due i momenti della mia vita che hanno segnato   tutto il mio percorso professionale che ,assieme all’impegno   familiare, ha costituito l’architrave della mia esistenza; il primo evento che ha indirizzato le mie scelte professionali l’ho vissuto all’età di 16 anni circa quando dalla lettura di alcune riviste mediche è sorta in me una curiosità. forse sarebbe meglio dire una pulsione, a “scoprire” il corpo umano con le su e malattie e gli eventuali rimedi, a cercare di capire la sofferenza dell’uomo, spiegarmi perché si arriva alla morte; e da queste riflessioni derived my choice of university and in the following decades of my professional career.
The second event that has affected my career materializes from my return to Augusta and the finding are limited to what structure and services of the Division of Medicine, where I had already started to operate. It must be remembered, to be fair, that only in recent years the Department had been transferred into the new building the Contrada Granatello from the old hospital site on the premises the Church of Our Lady Thanks for and then had to arrange for hospital rooms, operating rooms, offices, various services
(radiology, laboratory, emergency, etc.).
In those frantic months is also to remember the commitment of all physical Doctors to quickly enable admissions to citizenship.
passed the critical stage for the Medici's Department began a very delicate and important to adapt his department to a standard of quality of services that can compete with the performance of our provincial hospital. Particularly in our division felt the need to offer patients services in addition to those ordinary treatments, such as daily medical and prescription of appropriate therapy . And so, by the experience I had gained a much greater Hospital of the North, with the support of the primary, I was given the opportunity to acquire and put to the service of patients with respiratory disease called (bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis and emphysema), a set of tools (Spirografo, Emogasanalizzatore, Test allergologici cutanei) che davano la possibilità   di giungere ad una diagnosi e ad un monitoraggio della malattia molto accurato. Ma ben presto Noi,   Medici di Reparto, ci rendemmo conto   che nel nostro Territorio andava crescendo il numero di pazienti affetti da Diabete mellito   e che il controllo di questa    terribile malattia   richiedeva la presenza di un gruppo di medici con buona esperienza e disponibilità; e così che assieme ad un altro Collega venne messo a disposizione dei Pazienti diabetici un Ambulatorio mattutino dove veniva, e viene ancora oggi, controllata la “glicemia” e vengono dati quei suggerimenti atti a monitorare la malattia diabetica   e a migliorare lo stato di salute del Paziente. Ancora, all’inizio degli anni ’80, comincia a manifestarsi un’altra terribile malattia, l’epatite virale che in buona percentuale trapassa nei decenni   successivi in cirrosi epatica. L’interesse che ho coltivano per le malattie del fegato sin dagli anni della specializzazione mi porta alla determinazione di fornire i nostri Pazienti affetti da patologie epatiche dello strumento diagnostico della “biopsia epatica”   to arrive at a histo-pathological diagnosis precise as possible and therefore the possibility of more modern and effective therapies (interferon).
Unfortunately with my exit from the Division latter Clinic has been deleted.
But beyond the work in these specialist clinics my main activity has been carried out in wards with great care and attention to the problems of patients who represented the only interest the sole purpose of my profession Doctor's Hospital.
give comfort, and sometimes only hope of a suffering human being is a moment of deep sympathy.
And thank you does not come with voice but with eyes!
Conception of Life:
life is given us to work to create, to avoid conflicts, to discover the beauty of creation, to give lessons to young people, to address the well, to help those in need, for example be right and the good.

Interests and Hobbies: Those youth were represented from track, soccer, tennis, while mature age I began to cultivate the garden. A brief theatrical marked a decade of my old age.
What drove me to the "voluntary cultural" to the 'unity of Augusta and how I live my commitment to this non-profit association to promote human
also prevailed in this initiative is in me, at least in the early days, the love Medicine and the possibility that I was offered to discuss it with an audience that still did not know. But soon, my original intent was bypassed enthusiasm with which the "disciples" had welcomed the initiative of his friend Goofy Caramagno, and this enthusiasm must confess that he was "dragged", especially when I realized that our fellow citizens who came to this conference felt a great need for culture and knowledge.
My opinion on the unity and suggestions for improving local :
The initiative of President Caramagno rocked a human tissue that was waiting for a signal only to be awakened, has arisen a popular University where many people meet their cultural needs. More che un miglioramento l’Unitre di Augusta deve trovare una stabilizzazione che permetta negli anni futuri una sempre maggiore fruizione di essa da parte dei Cittadini.

 Che utilità traggo da questa esperienza di "volontariato culturale" verso l’Associazione detta :
per chi è stato a contatto per decenni con cittadini in sofferenza (in Ospedale) traendone esperienze e sentimenti, il ritrovarsi ancora una volta a contatto con persone che mi procurano gli stessi stimoli   mi rende   soddisfatto e felice. 
                                                                                               Nicola Limma