Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How To Evict An Illegal Immigrant

Prevenire le malattie del cuore

  La prevenzione
(Come ridurre i pericoli)

Fattori di rischio

prevent heart disease means, first of all, avoid those risk factors
that accompany our daily lives and to which the larger part of cases, do not pay
all the necessary attention.
The best known risk factors are:

· high blood pressure
· high levels of plasma cholesterol and triglceridi
· smoke
· the weight much too
· ; stress
· la tensione prolongata
·          l’alimentazione eccessiva e sbagliata
·          l’inattività fisica
· inheritance.
If we exclude the inheritance, which can certainly not be attributed to individual responsibility, the larger the other factors has its origin in a disordered way of life that wears out gradually, and sometimes permanently, the resistance of our body. Thus, while the tendency to high blood presion can be (but in rare cases) of hereditary origin, the same can be said for not smoking, nutrition, stress, physical inactivity.
In these cases you do not inherit the predisposition to heart and arteriosclerosis. You inherit, in fact, the trend in physical, psychological, family to be ultra-sensitive, tense, nervous, impatient, incapable of self-control, often self-indulgent, anxious.
Some people, however, è più fortunato ed eredita quindi tendenze fisiche e psicologiche, predisposizioni familiari a essere quietamente sensibile, rilassato, flemmatico, riflessivo, un pò fatalistico, practico e, in conclusione, sereno.
La prima categoria di individui descritti deve imparare a vivere e pensare diversamente. Chi vi appartiene deve acquisire la consapevolezza della necessità di difendere la propria salutee di gestire in modo più disteso la propria esistenza, per vincere, con il controllo e anche con l’autosuggestione, la forza che tenta di trascinarlo indietro, verso l’autoannullamento.
So, the problem is essentially umo only: to live more controlled, less tense, eat less and more successful, enjoy the better life that has touched the common things. And recognize the validity, importance.
If this is the \u0026lt;\u0026lt;pass>> psychological diseases of the heart, are the concrete problems posed by the prevention of heart disease. The primary cause of heart disease is cigarette smoking: smoking it increases your heart rate, raises blood pressure and constricts blood vessels. Statistics compiled in the United States have shown that smokers have twice the chance of heart attack than it did non-smokers. On the other hand, while on the one hand you continue to put the guard on the possibility of smokers being affected by cancer, the statistics actually show that it is most likely the onset of a heart attack.
Years of research have clearly demonstrated that the risk of a heart attack (or serious diseases such as emphysema, cancer, chronic bronchitis, etc..) Increased in direct proportion to the number of cigarettes smoked.
The deaths caused by coronary heart disease are significantly higher among smokers than among those who have never smoked. Specifically, the odds of a smoker to die before sixty-five years are much higher than that of a nonsmoker.
Here, by the way, a table on the consumption of cigarettes smoked daily and the impact on life expectancy.
If you smoke twenty cigarettes a day:
·          ogni giorno voi fumate circa otto ore della vostra vita
·          ogni settimana riducete la vostra vita di due giorni
· each month, in less than eight giornu
· every year, I smoked three or four months of your life.
Smoking, then strains the heart because nicotine constricts blood vessels, greatly increases the pressure and increases the heaviness of heart.
A study of air traffic controllers has dimonstrato that stress is closely related to upward pressure bleeding, which in turn is directly related with the occurrence of heart disease.
Among the best ways to reduce stress it is recommended that regular exercise, which tones the body and increases the efficiency of the heart and lungs. An American study, which lasted twenty years, conducted on 17,000 people, led to the conclusion that those persone che hanno regolarmente esercitato il proprio corpo due o tre volte a settimana – con podismo, nuoto, tennis, jogging, bicicletta o altro – per tutta la loro vita rischiano di essere colpiti da un attcco cardiaco con il cinquanta per cento di probabilità in meno rispetto a coloro che hanno condotto vita sedentaria. Persino gli ex fumatori, i sovrappeso, persone con una vita familiare costellata di parenti infartuati, hanno tratto beneficio dall’esercizio  fisico.
 Certo è che le attività fisiche che vanno dal jogging alle grandi maratone sono diventate di moda in certe aree sociali. E questo, talvolta è negativo: individuals who for years have not played any athletic activity and then, suddenly, after reading an article, have begun to give themselves to strenuous physical exercise, may suffer traumatic effects of accidents or worse.
The explanation is simple: it's excesses.
is important then to know that the constant and regular exercise leads to greater physical harmony, while stress, disorder, spasmodic, not constant, can result in significant interference.
physical activity, limited to their capacities and possibilities, is therefore an essential element to create, together with the control of other activities, a balance that allows for less wear and tear of the body.
With regard to hypertension, is a phenomenon of industrialized societies, and is among the most feared risk factors for coronary heart disease and brain damage.
For Hypertension means high blood pressure, one of the most common enomeni the life of communities characterized by power above the real needs of the individual, by a constant stress associated with other risk factors such as alcohol and smoking, coffee, very salty foods, etc.. In many cases, hypertension can be controlled if only by subjecting the patient to strict diets, without any medication somministragli.
Stress is instead often only considered a negative element, a surplus of physical energy or mental asked our body and therefore harmful. Not so. In moderation, stress is our body to operate those organs of reserve to be maintained in operation, to accustom our bodies to the efforts that sometimes additional daily life requires.
course, when the stress is excessive and continuous, the body requires more than it would normally give. A constant state of tension, a physical or psychological, clearly requires a heavy and continued commitment excessive, which is harmful, because even the reserves committed to the utmost of our body. Stress \u0026lt;\u0026lt;balance>>, however, also produces the physical stimulus and \u0026lt;\u0026lt;tone>> to our business. But they need to be regularly interrupted by moments of rest or recovery. Philosophy can be defined \u0026lt;\u0026lt;wise reasons>>.


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