Monday, March 23, 2009

Light Bleedingkidney Pain

A pair of wings will

Oggi voglio pubblicare questa poesia di una ragazzina della terza media ,(Arianna Pizzotti) l'ho letta sulla rivista "Como e dintorni ....Credo che essa abbia una valenza universale e si possa applicare a tutte quelle situazioni che vedono l'uomo...., privato della propria libertà, del proprio modo di pensare, della propria identità . Purtroppo molte volte pregiudizi , sicurezza di essere migliori degli altri ,incapacità di accettare le diversità, rendono la vita di ognuno di noi prigioniera di altri ,privata di un paio d'ali per volare .


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Idrag Paper App For I Phone

Spring .... OTTO

Spring will

Away beyond the range
me a path through the woods
Mid March
opens its flowers to distract my pace

are small and between
quelle foglie
ormai secche ridanno colore
Alla terra bruciata dal freddo
dell’inverno che muore
Messaggeri dei fasti gioiosi
di quella primavera
That is far
hear his song on approach

When heady scent will dance in the air brought wind, t ra meekly love whispered in the evening, first stirrings of young love as you look ... Spring Pier

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tanning Salon Managment


as we were young, with so many dreams in his head
In those clear nights to see you had a party ...................... ........
Then hand in hand to the other ways in Como after we waited in front of that door in the center
I remember the moment when the door opened and your smile lit up my face to meet the sweet emotions of warm feelings

in the spring, which embraced the summer
And then the bench behind the temple that time we two in the eyes of everyone looking for the music love the scent of a flower, gentle breeze of the moment of the wind that carried us far away inside a dream ......................
can stay together for all that life
we would see the tears with a smile and walk together side by side each day after the other along the passage of time.
before me a calendar that marks the March 8 ............................
It 's a day that women will always remember.
's the day you were born today is your birthday that I would like images with photographs that nothing can ever erase ... ... .. And I want to thank for all the patience that our journey together .. And you always want to say sorry for all those times I made you suffer and I have not understood I want you now to take my fingers and slowly long as those nights the sunset Look inside the eyes and say "I love you Love"