Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Althea Contraceptive Pills Side Effects

Dr. G. Fraterrigo and Dr. G. Paci

UNITRE Meeting of 26.01.2011.
Att. - Municipal Councillor Mrs Joan Fraterrigo
Fraterrigo Giovanna, born in Augusta on 2/6/1970, married with two children. She graduated in law at the Faculty of Law, University of Catania in 1997, he qualified as a lawyer after two years of practice, and immediately in 2000, along with a fellow lawyer. Lorenzo La Malfa, opened his own office in Augusta.
Sin girl, university, has contributed her work in social work, and will work at the Parish of St. Lucia with children through after-school and recreational activities, especially for children most at risk (containers).
E 'was among the founders of Augusta, AVULSS voluntary association, the association is very active and present in the territory, serving for several years as Head of the same Cultural Association, has worked in hospital, with children risk, with the mentally ill and for a short period with drug users.
Since 2000, always at the Parish of St. Lucy, with her husband and two other couples, si occupa della preparazione al matrimonio delle coppie di fidanzati , oltre che della formazione di tutte quelle coppie di sposi che vogliono vivere una sana e serena relazione di coppia.
Dal luglio 2008 è assessore comunale nella Giunta Carrubba, dapprima con le deleghe allo sviluppo economico, attività produttive, programmazione e POR 2007/2013, dal maggio 2010 a queste deleghe si sono aggiunte quelle al contenzioso e alla cultura.
L’avv. Fraterrigo ha iniziato la serata UNITRE ringraziando l’associazione per il rinnovato invito e per l’occasione di crescita che da due anni le offre, atteso che da tempo l’UNITRE è diventata una bella realtà in the territory, especially active and proactive.
The commissioner is then passed to briefly list the ones that are, specifically, the powers, starting with the two most recent: culture and litigation.
As part of the municipal cultural prominence was given in December 2010, the twentieth anniversary of the earthquake S. Lucia, with a series of initiatives that involved schools, voluntary associations, the parish of St. Lucia and all those who were an active part in the territory following the fatal event. On occasion, the Local Administration inaugurated the Square and the playground who are now finalmente sostituito i containers. Il 19 dicembre la commemorazione si è chiusa con un evento celebrativo, S.S. Messa all’aperto, alla presenza di S.E. l’Arcivescovo di Siracusa.
L’assessore ha illustrato i progetti rivolti ai giovani che riguarderanno proprio quell’area, grazie ad un finanziamento europeo che il Comune ha ottenuto. Sempre nell’ambito della cultura ha illustrato il prossimo progetto comunale in occasione della celebrazione dei 150 anni dell’unità d’Italia.
In merito alla delega al contenzioso ha spiegato come gli uffici sono volti ad individuare ed eliminare quei contenziosi che possono essere inutili dispendiosi e   especially to deal with a series of transactions for those cases which have been dragging on for over twenty years a strong action recovery of all loans. A mention was also made to the activity of litigation aimed at eliminating illegal building.
Turning to economic development argued that the same can not be ignored today by the culture. Showed that production activities, POR 2007/2013 and planning are all closely related to economic development powers. Specifically set out the Programme Agreement signed in chemistry from the town of Augusta, along with other municipalities in the industrial area of Region of Trade Unions, the Ministry of Economic Development, etc .... designed to find every possible solution for the revival of chemistry, a source of income and economic conditions of our territory. It was also shown on the reclamation plan agreement signed by the same parties in 2008 with the Ministry of Environment. Two tools that should be the driving force of the provincial economy. Has focused on economic revitalization tool for local development that the city has recently submitted to the Region: Strategic Plan. An important tool in the medium to long term, which contains the proposals of the territory, made through a participatory sharing the same territory and its reality economic and social, that will allow you access to finance and investment of primary importance for the local growth.
It described the initiative promoted by the same city on the search for a new source of income: tourism. Memorandum of Understanding with the province, annual membership of the municipality in international events on tourism (BIT Milan, Berlin International Tourism and International Tourism on the archaeological to Paestum). Prospects for the sewer and the possibility to Augusta to become a country-town hotel.
has illustrated the work of the various offices on the production activities and has focused on the question of the market. He explained the reason for the transfer of the daily market in October via X Via Marina di Levante and specified how this was solved a long standing problem of public order, hygiene and safety, besides the fact that this shift and regularization allowed to have more revenue the town because he scored a barrier to illegal street vendors. Regularization of the next street market Relief.
The commissioner then, has focused on research and identification of those calls had been and could regional funding through Europe and beyond, the creation of various public works, social, cultural and structural importance for the growth and development of the city.
The weather was much of a tyrant because he was still possible to talk (eg large commercial structures, always increasing, and the role of the municipality in an authorization process that depends solely and exclusively by the Region), but with the hope that there may be more time and above all love for their city councilor Fraterigo had to thank and salute reluctantly and late (the janitor kicked us out right eyes) Friends of unity .

She thanked and warmly greets


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