Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Interview with "Men significant" - Dr. Nicola Limmo

Dr. Nicola Limmo Professor of Medicine

Interview for UNITRE Augusta
Limmo Granted by Dr. Nicholas, Professor of Medicine
On February 25, 2011

Age: 73 years ;
Degree: Bachelor's degree in Medicine at the University of Florence.
Brief curriculum :
after graduation I was assigned to a City of the North for military service as Medical Officer, during the years of service military as a volunteer and then for another two years as an assistant institutionalized I attended a Division of Medicine, where I learned the first elements of clinical and instrumental diagnostic techniques (electrocardiography, spirometry, blood gas analysis, skin tests for allergies, laboratory tests). At the same time
I specialize in "Diseases of the blood, digestive system and liver."
In 1969 I returned to Augusta where I'm employed by our Hospital as Assistant Division of Medicine with responsibility, In addition, of Director of Laboratory of (thanks to my specialization in diseases of the blood) and shift workers to the emergency room physician) I have maintained these positions until 1975, when I devoted exclusively to fate and work in the Division of Medicine.
In those years I specialize in "Respiratory Diseases".
eventually a "national capacity for the primary in Internal Medicine."
remain in the Division of Medicine of our hospital until 2000 when he takes a new experience at a nursing home town for 10 years.
Family of Origin:
- Father Mr. Sebastian died
- ; Mother Ms Maria Arango died
- Sisters No. 1 ; ;
The Augusta resident in family: Married since 16.02.1974.
core family:
Spasari wife Maria Stella, Pharmacist.
's daughter Eleanor, a graduate in Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures at the University of Catania.
daughter Adriana, an employee at Banca Mediolanum, Milan.
son Sebastian, undergraduate student at the Faculty of Pharmacy .

significant facts and circumstances of personal life or family that may contribute to the growth of the human reader of the interview and / or who have marked a svolta della propria vita :
sono due i momenti della mia vita che hanno segnato   tutto il mio percorso professionale che ,assieme all’impegno   familiare, ha costituito l’architrave della mia esistenza; il primo evento che ha indirizzato le mie scelte professionali l’ho vissuto all’età di 16 anni circa quando dalla lettura di alcune riviste mediche è sorta in me una curiosità. forse sarebbe meglio dire una pulsione, a “scoprire” il corpo umano con le su e malattie e gli eventuali rimedi, a cercare di capire la sofferenza dell’uomo, spiegarmi perché si arriva alla morte; e da queste riflessioni derived my choice of university and in the following decades of my professional career.
The second event that has affected my career materializes from my return to Augusta and the finding are limited to what structure and services of the Division of Medicine, where I had already started to operate. It must be remembered, to be fair, that only in recent years the Department had been transferred into the new building the Contrada Granatello from the old hospital site on the premises the Church of Our Lady Thanks for and then had to arrange for hospital rooms, operating rooms, offices, various services
(radiology, laboratory, emergency, etc.).
In those frantic months is also to remember the commitment of all physical Doctors to quickly enable admissions to citizenship.
passed the critical stage for the Medici's Department began a very delicate and important to adapt his department to a standard of quality of services that can compete with the performance of our provincial hospital. Particularly in our division felt the need to offer patients services in addition to those ordinary treatments, such as daily medical and prescription of appropriate therapy . And so, by the experience I had gained a much greater Hospital of the North, with the support of the primary, I was given the opportunity to acquire and put to the service of patients with respiratory disease called (bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis and emphysema), a set of tools (Spirografo, Emogasanalizzatore, Test allergologici cutanei) che davano la possibilità   di giungere ad una diagnosi e ad un monitoraggio della malattia molto accurato. Ma ben presto Noi,   Medici di Reparto, ci rendemmo conto   che nel nostro Territorio andava crescendo il numero di pazienti affetti da Diabete mellito   e che il controllo di questa    terribile malattia   richiedeva la presenza di un gruppo di medici con buona esperienza e disponibilità; e così che assieme ad un altro Collega venne messo a disposizione dei Pazienti diabetici un Ambulatorio mattutino dove veniva, e viene ancora oggi, controllata la “glicemia” e vengono dati quei suggerimenti atti a monitorare la malattia diabetica   e a migliorare lo stato di salute del Paziente. Ancora, all’inizio degli anni ’80, comincia a manifestarsi un’altra terribile malattia, l’epatite virale che in buona percentuale trapassa nei decenni   successivi in cirrosi epatica. L’interesse che ho coltivano per le malattie del fegato sin dagli anni della specializzazione mi porta alla determinazione di fornire i nostri Pazienti affetti da patologie epatiche dello strumento diagnostico della “biopsia epatica”   to arrive at a histo-pathological diagnosis precise as possible and therefore the possibility of more modern and effective therapies (interferon).
Unfortunately with my exit from the Division latter Clinic has been deleted.
But beyond the work in these specialist clinics my main activity has been carried out in wards with great care and attention to the problems of patients who represented the only interest the sole purpose of my profession Doctor's Hospital.
give comfort, and sometimes only hope of a suffering human being is a moment of deep sympathy.
And thank you does not come with voice but with eyes!
Conception of Life:
life is given us to work to create, to avoid conflicts, to discover the beauty of creation, to give lessons to young people, to address the well, to help those in need, for example be right and the good.

Interests and Hobbies: Those youth were represented from track, soccer, tennis, while mature age I began to cultivate the garden. A brief theatrical marked a decade of my old age.
What drove me to the "voluntary cultural" to the 'unity of Augusta and how I live my commitment to this non-profit association to promote human
also prevailed in this initiative is in me, at least in the early days, the love Medicine and the possibility that I was offered to discuss it with an audience that still did not know. But soon, my original intent was bypassed enthusiasm with which the "disciples" had welcomed the initiative of his friend Goofy Caramagno, and this enthusiasm must confess that he was "dragged", especially when I realized that our fellow citizens who came to this conference felt a great need for culture and knowledge.
My opinion on the unity and suggestions for improving local :
The initiative of President Caramagno rocked a human tissue that was waiting for a signal only to be awakened, has arisen a popular University where many people meet their cultural needs. More che un miglioramento l’Unitre di Augusta deve trovare una stabilizzazione che permetta negli anni futuri una sempre maggiore fruizione di essa da parte dei Cittadini.

 Che utilità traggo da questa esperienza di "volontariato culturale" verso l’Associazione detta :
per chi è stato a contatto per decenni con cittadini in sofferenza (in Ospedale) traendone esperienze e sentimenti, il ritrovarsi ancora una volta a contatto con persone che mi procurano gli stessi stimoli   mi rende   soddisfatto e felice. 
                                                                                               Nicola Limma


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