Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Does Gas Hurt In Intestine

Practice course computer drafting

We all students of the first computer course, after following the first two lessons ; prof. Blanco, we tried to put into practice what they have learned, doing our homework.
We introduced ourselves, each with his laptop in the school that hosts us and we divided into two classrooms, assisted by two guardian angels: Mrs. Franca, wife of our President and Mr. Franco Bari (note my husband). I would not want my viewpoint is biased, but I think the choice of the two assistants is been adapted to the case because, as well as competent in the field, have proved much, but ... so patiently! They were called here and there to answer, explain, reassure and encourage to continue without being discouraged by difficulties. About I think the difficulty is more immediate control of the mouse, the arrow that crazy darts around the screen without stopping where we want, is a source of nervousness for many, and what about the double-click that you can not do the right speed to be able to open folders and files? The simple answer is practice, practice and more practice, I have been so successful there, trying again and again patiently. The most interesting aspect of the exercises is the relationship with "our" computers, because whatever you do, do it with something that belongs to us and it gives us the illusion that there is a familiarity there aiuti nelle manovre.
Domani inizierà la seconda settimana di corso con qualche conoscenza in più e qualche incertezza in meno. Arrivederci a tutti gli unitrini   del primo corso.
Tania Tudisco

Esercitazione degli alunni corso computer


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