Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Top Gun Flight Simulator Kitchener On

meets Dr. Gaetano Gulino

Dott. Gaetano Gulino
n. Augusta il 01/01/951
res. Augusta , via Umberto 102
As a young man is dedicated to sports, achieving great results at the regional and national levels in various specialties including athletics and rowing, as well as to volunteer as President of Caritas citizen and member of the Board Diocesan.
Graduated in Medicine, Specialist in Geriatrics and Gerontology, in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine;
He attended several courses on "Management of health services" at the 'University "L. Bocconi" of Milan, and at the FORMEZ of Naples.
E 'was a member of the Commission of the City of Augusta for building restoration, ex art.29 -
President, the Medical Commission of the USL's findings of invalidity for 27 - Professor of Geriatrics, of home care and hygiene in the school's student nurses USL 27 - Teacher Refresher Course in issue and deepen their understanding of Occupational Safety L.626/94;
doctor at the town of Augusta;
Manager Augusta Sanitary District;
Health Director of OP Muscatello " Augusta;
Head of the Basic Health Care, Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Tax and Legal Medicine of Syracuse AUSL n.8;
Director of the Public Health Laboratory ASL No 8 Syracuse.
Health Director of Health Unit 8 of Syracuse
coating, thus various management responsibilities at the organizational structures of increasing complexity and management, until his retirement took place in February 2010.
E’ stato Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Augusta, Presidente del Museo della Piazzaforte di Augusta, con importante funzione di assestamento e organizzazione di tale struttura a seguito della scomparsa dell’Ing. Tullio Marcon.
E’ stato Socio fondatore dell’Università Popolare di Augusta.
E’ componente della Commissione di Studi di Storia Patria, componente del Club Rotary di Augusta, dell’UNUCI, Segretario Tesoriere del Circolo Unione di Augusta. Da parecchi anni tiene cicli di conferenze   sull’Ambiente, sulla Ecosostenibilità, sull’Alimentazione e anche su argomenti di historical character. Write and publish photos on several newspapers, magazines and Web sites
From recently elected Board member of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, founder of "hold-Memoriam-Onlus Associazione Culturale Tullio Marcon.
Sue r iflessioni personali: nel caso dovessi lasciare questa vita a breve termine, ringrazio il Signore per tutto quello che mi ha concesso di godere in questo   veloce passaggio terreno. Ma non per i successi, gli allori, i riconoscimenti formali in qualifiche, titoli, potere, ricchezze e tant’altro di inconsistente e caduco, viceversa mi rimarranno impressi, indelebili, i sorrisi di quei pazienti sofferenti, molte volte agonizzanti che, gratuitamente, mi hanno donato nei momenti delle mie visite in qualità di medico-familiare-amico, come   vera espressione di quell’Amore autentico che ci eleva a Dio.
                                                                                          Dr. Gaetano Gulino

                                          Dr. Gaetano Gulino during exposure

; Meeting on February 4, 2011: "sustainable supply"

When it comes to food, generally, we highlight the aspects that have a direct impact on human health, namely the maintenance of blood chemistry values \u200b\u200bwhich then affect the well-being and not just physical. The best known example is the level of cholesterol, the famous killer responsible for the famous incident cerebro-cardiovascular diseases. The models of health education programs, up to now adopted, we point out that eating meat and cheese hurts, because it increases the level of cholesterol and the risk of getting accidents vascular, and so on many other examples for other conditions.
In recent years, studies German and English are highlighting other aspects of healthy eating, perhaps more important, as they affect the health not only of individuals directly affected by the type fed, but in a more modern perspective, I would say less selfish, the next our contemporary and above all for posterity.
It was discovered that in fact adopt a specific diet, such as that of some segments of the population belonging to the so-called affluent society and consumerism, not only affects the level of morbidity and mortality, but also contributes greatly to polluting the environment and to squander those fundamental resources necessary for a dignified survival of future generations.
In short a supply of meat or a whole range of foods that are produced artificially by the use of fossil fuels also to be present in the tables of most of the world and everything in the period of the year, negative impact on the health not only of men, but most of the planet earth. Recent studies, carried out by highly specialized centers, have with figures confirmed that this type of diet greatly contributes to increasing air pollution, soil and subsoil on groundwater. The ozone hole, global warming, sudden climate changes and related disasters, the impressive decrease in biodiversity and many other negative effects are in direct dependence on the type of diet followed.
Improper diet, in fact, comes from a precise choice of using one kind of crops, livestock, deforestation, production and packaging and not last, alas, packaging, packaging, transport and distribution and consumption patterns.
And then, we men, thinking minds, made in the image and likeness of God, when we must choose the type of power, have the sacred duty of prefer those natural foods, products, preferably on site and without the use of pesticides and other artificial means that do not require complex mechanisms packaging and transport, which are not induced by large industry that is able to maneuver and manipulate them almost as if we were .... sheep. When we are at the table eating, we also think about the future of our children, we must not leave them a planet polluted and depleted much of its vast and valuable resources.

                                                  Thanks President


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